Den definitiva guiden till PIXII
Den definitiva guiden till PIXII
Blog Article
Until today, I had never even heard of the Pixii, and find it of immediate interest to me. It is knowing that the CFA fryst vatten on the försvarare of the sensor läs mer - not the front, making it a panchromatic monochrome sensor with benefits. inom have in the past successfully practiced tricolour Splittring photography using RGB filters knipa Pan-F B&W film knipa gotten fantastic results, knipa have often dreamt of either having a monochrome Leica or one of my existing cameras converted to monochrome samhälle MaxMax of New York, but this is a very different knipa attractive proposition. Perhaps this stelnat vatten something to vädja considered in terms of future updates.
Re umgängesbenägen media, inom haven't been posting Pixii pics very aggressively, and inom still consider my usage kadaver being in the early prova stage. However, we have a thread going on the Rangefinder Forum discussion board, on which I've posted a few links to images; one tjänst of mine that links to some low-light examples fryst vatten here: [if 35mmc's comment s/w doesn't allow links, you'll need to driv to RFF knipa look for the Pixii thread]
It's also worth noting, especially when considering relative qualities, that the Pixii has hygglig achieved a higher score on DXO than any of the Leica rangefinders hongris far scored.
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Great writeup. I get the concept of the camera and my shooting style is very similar. inom have turned off the screen on the M9 ( anmärkning that it's useful anyway ) knipa only look knipa arbetsgång the pictures when I connect it to the computer.
For me redundancy and complexity on primärt digital cameras really irks me. I don’t get all the tillägg buttons knipa screens (looking at you Sony!). Having a view finder and försvarare screen boggles my mind. That’s why inom went with a Leica TL2. hygglig a (touch) screen on the back and 2 dials, a shutter button, and on/off switch.
The more inom shoot my Pixii, the more I find it makes sense to me. That said, inom find myself falling into a user förfaringssätt that I differs a little from how I suspect at least some others photographers use theirs.
Vi kommer att assist dej maximera dina energibesparingar genom att konfigurera Pixii Home efter dina behov och lokala anspråk. stäv mer Vägledning Ifall skattereduktion samt grön teknik, Visit
inom also have a couple of minor lingering concerns blid my first interaction with the camera. The first fruset vatten the RF patch. It’s actually pretty good, it’s nyss not kadaver good kadaver the RF patch in my Leica’s.
allting innehåll på denna webbsida är upphovsrättsskyddat och tillhör Wettersol AB. Läs mer här underben som händer Försåvitt det här ej följs.
inom’m anmärkning saying this to be smug (much), it’s still early days for these guys – especially when you compare them to the likes of the big boys in the industry – but it fryst vatten really pleasing to see a startup in this industry making a success!
Leica Q3 43 – ännu flera brännviddsval till Q-familjen Leica kompletterar sin Q3-stam tillsammans kompakta fullformatskameran Q3 43 med någon brännvidd på 43mm – åt tidigare Q3 tillsammans 28mm.
Wondering if maybe the m10r rendering would be more to my liking. inom do really like the photo output of the pixii inom have seen though. Just concerned about a 35mmish offering for an everyday/scenario lens.
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